26 May 2005

It's in the making...

I've gotten some new CDs. Mezmerize by System of a Down and Beautiful Disorder by Breaking Point. Breaking Point is a new-ish band that's currently on tour with Theory of a Dead Man (of No Surprise fame) and Submersed (of Hollow fame). I hear it's a good show, and I want to go'n see them... but I doubt I can.

23 May 2005


You ever feel like a firefly? You're not a firefly. Fireflies are not flourescent lights... they don't buzz very much. Firefly is a song by Breaking Benjamin.. and I like it. Rather a lot. I recommend it, in fact.

Science is interesting stuff.

19 May 2005


The apocalypse has come. It really has... only we can prevent it. If we got off our sorry American backsides and figured out what the word "free" means, what the actual concept our nation was built around entails, we could avoid the apocalypse. Ha! I have found my new purpose in life... to attempt to use my Blog to enlighten the populace. Maybe it'd be better if people started to come...

I'm going to be talking about some controversial stuff. I'm going to try to tell you things as I see them... but I'd like to know how other people see them, too. If you'd like to respond to anything I say, I can be reached at amarcelon@hotmail.com (please use a subject of "Blog Response", otherwise I won't open your mail), or at the screenname Sebhar on www.elftown.com, www.elfpack.com, and www.cathug.com. Among others, but we'll start there for now.

18 May 2005


Watch the people herd by –
Cattle in uniform
Striped polo shirts accented by jeans
Blue, artfully torn by a
Twelve-year-old Chinese kid
In a sweatshop on the flipside of the world

Watch the people herd by –
Cattle in uniform
Ruffled miniskirts and alien hair
All perfect, straightened, ironed, crisp, yet
Faded and patched, either too tight or too loose
Too long or too short, never fitting just right.

Watch the people herd by –
Cattle in uniform
Not thinking for themselves; not thinking for others
In fact, not thinking at all
Content to succumb to mob psychologies instituted by… fear
Certainly not by the American errorists
Next time you cry, watch the people herd by
Humans in uniform fight no real wars.

16 May 2005

A Change of Seasons

Well, summer's coming. I'm going to have a lot more free time on my hands... so beware! The rants shall come full-force. I'm drafting one right now about how so few people know what freedom really is anymore. Most of those ignorant to freedom are Americans, creating one of the most depressing situations in history. Ta, all!

03 May 2005


I just posted an apology for having a stupid computer that deleted my nice post on the awesomosity of Beck. But no, the stupid comp deleted that, too. Garrrrr!