27 July 2005

Food and Trombones

4:20 p.m.

Listening to the album “Guero” by Beck with some batteries pilfered from K8. She’s from Colorado, also a trombonist and vegetarian. Her trombone is very old and silver; the back of the bell, instead of having plumbing that makes a 90-degree angle, is set on the diagonal, and there is a complicated design including a faun with panpipes engraved on the bell. The entire trombone is silver. K8’s hair is blondish with blue streaks and short in such a way that it brings a pixie to mind. She’s a lot of fun.
Also there is Kaylee. She is from Manitoba and has introduced me to ketchup-flavoured potato chips and flavoured Corn Crunch. It’s great! I have wrappers. She just had me try an Eat-More bar, marketed as the “original dark toffee peanut chew”. It’s made by Hershey, so I don’t understand why we don’t have them in the States. Also they have French on their wrappers as well as English, instead of the way we have it, with Spanish and English. I’m supposed to check out puff wheat cake as well. Hmm.
They have Big Boy restaurants up here, like in the book “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. Totally awesome.
Dr. Hall is an awesome trombone teacher and is known to randomly burst into old English. He says to practice for three hours per day, but to rest for twenty minutes every twenty minutes we play. So we rehearsed for a few minutes on “Circus Suite” and then tramped around the hut for a bit discussing flora and climate.
Speaking of the huts, I want to live in one. Ten-by-ten hut with a door and three windows, a bamboo mat to sleep on in one corner, a camp stove in another corner, cans of food on the bare walls, tea things in a picnic basket. I’d call it a “back-to-basics” routine, but I envision a laptop in this as well.
Gotta go, supper, be back later.

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