31 March 2005

OH my.

Sophomores are silly. I mean, they like...well, let's just say they're silly. No, it's not Scottish cheese.. it's cottage cheese. Honestly. They do have a good side, though.. they're not all cliquey, like the freshies. The freshmen are even more stupid than the sophs. How depressing. The 8th graders are more fun than the freshmen.. I mean, come on. Cliques are NOT the answer.

Oh.. I keep falling more and more in love with Holden. *tear* He's so wonderful...

And Emily Francois is like the nicest person alive. All forgiving, even though I lose our music constantly.

30 March 2005

You knows I loves you, baby.

There's a song. It's by Goldie Lookin' Chain. It's called "You Knows I Loves You Baby". It's stuck in my head.

Holden = incredible awesome schway sexy man. Go him! Yeah... Really, though, huzzah for Holden. He's an awesome dude... *sigh*

lalalalalalalala... researching the Human Genome Project. What an ambitious undertaking!

*hum* don't stand so, don't stand so, don't stand so close to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Well, yeh, enough for today. I'm tired. G'night and all... wait tisn't even 2 pm yet. Kdish.

29 March 2005

Le First Posting

Well, here it is, the end of March already. There's about ten minutes left of Biology... huzzah. I do warn you - my life is deadly dull. Since I dislike hand-writing things, I post all the hideously boring aspects of my life into blogs.
www.elftown.com - username Sebhar
www.elfpack.com - username Sebhar
www.cathug.com - username Sebhar
I have Yahoo! and MSN IM (so far)

I fell in love with a fictional character today... Holden Caulfield from The Catcher In The Rye. Great book, read it... and all that.