02 January 2008


This year...
I'm going to be less of a slut.
In fact, I'm going to not be a slut at all. Score.
I'm going to be less of a douchebag and start treating others like they want
to be treated.
I'm done biting my fingernails. Starting right now.
I'm going to wear my retainer, dammit.
I'm also going to study and get better than B's.
Self-delusion is out the window.
The drama queen shit is also gone.
No more destroying what's good in my life just to have something happen.
Also, no more stupid risks.

[Poetry is truly the only way to express one's new year's resolutions.]

01 January 2008

Things I've Done So Far This Year

Made a resolution to be less of a freaky psycho asshole jerk lady.
Fallen asleep at Andrew's house with a kitty on my tummy. Awwww.
Gotten a ride home from Dan.
Deleted text messages off my phone.
Drank Diet Coke.