14 November 2007

Quiz-bob from Sara

1. When is the last time you actually hung out with your top #1 on MySpace? Far too long ago.
2. What's bothering you right now? Puffy eyes, mostly.
3. Would you share a drink with a stranger? Probably not.
4. What were your plans today? Class…
5. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop? One of my own design of Worshipful Things (i.e., John Lennon, Joe Strummer, Colin Meloy, and Diet Coke, among other things).
7. Next time you will hug someone? Most likely Saturday.
8. Where was your default picture taken? Right here.
9. Do you like messages or comments better? Depends.
11. What is the last thing you ate today? Spaghettios.
12. What are you doing this weekend? Hawkeye game, then home.
14. Who was the last person to send you a text message? Mon Cassilyn.
15. If you could have two people with you right now who would they be? Ali and Dan.
16. Listening to? “If Music Could Talk” – the Clash
17. Have you ever kissed anyone named Nick/Nicole? I don’t believe so.
18. Smelling like? Many things, few of them pleasant.
19. Eating? Not at the moment.
20. Have you hit someone today? No.
21. Do you believe in a soul mate? Yes.
22. What do you wear to bed? Whatever I fall into bed wearing.
24. Do you burn easily in the sun? Yes. Hence, I remain indoors.
25. Have you ever been gambling? No.
27. What did you do last weekend? Little of consequence.
28. What/who do you miss? Dan. My innocence. Brianna.
29. What are you going to do after this? Phone, then sleep.
32. What was the last text message you sent? To Mon Cassilyn. “Oh aye.”
33. Have you ever had a crush on your sister's/brother's friend? Eep, no, they’re wee.
34. How good is your eyesight? Uncommonly good, apparently.
36. What was the last thing you drank? Diet Coke.
37. Whose house did you go to last? I think… Kaitlin’s.
38. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? My mom’s mom on her deathbed.
39. Do you like someone right now? I like many people.
41. What do you wear more: shorts, slacks, jeans, or sweatpants? Jeans.
42. What have you eaten today? Burgefood, Spaghettios.
43. Name Three Drinks You Drank Today: Water, Diet Coke, cranberry juice
44. whats the closest red thing to you? My phone.
45. What is your dream phone? Um… I don’t dream about phones.
46. Ever broken a promise? Yes.
47. What have you learned recently? I’m a sexual deviant. O.o
49. Favorite shoes? Fuzzy-striped Converse high-tops.
50. Would you ever date someone who you don't know very well? Er, no?

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